Thursday 20 June 2013

Kids Coop - Playdates with freedom to run

The Weekly Kids Co-Op

Its Kids Coop, please link up your kids posts and check out what others have been doing this week. I'm linking the following:
(Goblin is 44 months)

Playdates can be daunting. There's always a question of what to do and how to keep the kids occupied and whether they will get on. I always opt for going outside when possible because it relieves some of the pressure. I was still slightly anxious when we set off on our play date with Bjorn the other day at RHS Hyde Hall. Bjorn and Goblin are firm friends and attend the same nursery. But Goblin has been up and down with his moods and although we'd had a wonderful morning he had fallen asleep in the car and I was worried his fatigue might cause ructions. 

I needn't have worried. With the beautiful weather, Bjorn's mum's wonderful laid back approach and plenty of space to run, the boys were off enjoying their freedom and space.
They circled back round to us a few times, and we joined in with games of hide and seek and British Bulldog, but mainly we left them to lead the way and explore.
And when they started to show signs of tiring - a good four hours after we'd arrived - we said our good byes with minimal distress. Playdate success!
And now to the linky

I am sharing this at
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Wow, I never though of RHS Hyde Hall as a fun place for kids. I'll be adding that to my list of places to visit :)

  2. What a wonderful area for the children to run around until they can no longer! Perfect weather, a stunning place and good company - what more could you ask for! Thanks for sharing with Country Kids.

  3. Looks like a fun and successful playdate.


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