Thursday 18 April 2013

Kids Co-op - Rocket streamer

Its time for Kids Coop. Please link up your child orientated posts and check out what others have been up to this week. I'm linking the following:
(Goblin is 42 months)
Goblin has been enjoying weekly Rugby classes and he particularly likes the throwing practice. He has also been "studying" the planets at nursery. I decided to combine these two interests and make him a Rocket streamer bean bag to throw around. 
While the pattern isn't quite easy enough for Goblin (aged three and a half) to manage, I am pretty sure that most middle school kids could make one of these themselves. I just took two Rugby ball shaped pieces of cloth and sewed some decoration on for windows and a door. 
I turned the window and door sides to face inwards and laid out two wings and some fire felt and some ribbons also facing inwards. Then I sewed around the edge of the rocket until I had about a two inch hole left at the top. 
I turned the rocket inside out and stuffed a plastic sandwich bag inside it. I filled the sandwich bag with lentils and sealed it, then sewed up the hole. The sandwich bag is incase the rocket falls in a puddle - lentils don't do well if wet so this makes the toy outdoor proof. 
It got a Goblin seal of approval.
And now to the linky

I'm sharing this with
Ladybird LnOne Artsy Mama NewSharingSaturdayresized_zps6f405a2b


  1. Oh, that is so cool!! I love it! Thank you for sharing on Sharing Saturday!


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