Sunday 17 March 2013

Project 365 - week 11

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky
Licking the windows at our local wool shop - I'm trying to resist buying more yarn before I've worked my way through my current stash. 
I discovered my elf hat turned inside out with a play silk stuffed in the top made a perfect volcano for Goblin's pretend play. 
 A vineyard in the fog I spotted while driving Goblin to nursery
 Hublet dresses for the tea party
 A peacock at Kentwell hall
Snow in our garden in March! (fickle UK weather)
This is the first week I failed to take a photo every day. One day I just forgot. I'm sure this won't be the only week. While I am slightly kicking myself I'm not letting it get to me because this is supposed to be fun, not yet another thing to beat myself up over. 


  1. What a gorgeous way to capture the week, tempted to start myself... mmm. And that wool sure is delicious! I would be very tempted too :-) Goblin's volcano is such a great use of your hat ;-) Hublet cracks me up xx

    1. It is a fun exercise, it makes you look at things very differently when you are looking for a picture in a mundane day. You should do it Kelly and link up to theboyandme's weekly linky.

  2. I love your volcano too...great idea there Mama! Your pics tell a wonderful story...i am amazed at the snow surrounding the cubby...never see anything like that here!
    Hublet seems such a hands on Daddy...just lovely, have a great week x

  3. Outside looks fun! The wool looks great too - i wouldnt be able to resist it haha

  4. Message to Hublet: Looking good, only you can pull it off ;)

  5. I had a passion for cross stitch kits at one point, have enough now to keep me going till I 192 probably. The playhouse looks lovely in the snow. A vineyard it will make nice pics during the year

  6. Daddy looks like *so* much fun! That wool is stunning and I love the texture of the hat and volcano.

    Thanks for linking up!

  7. loving the picture of the hublet dressed up for the tea party it made me giggle:-)

  8. I nearly forgot to take one one, and I only just made it by taking a picture of a sleeping child at the last minute! I'm sure my time will come though, as you say, don't beat yourself up about it :)

  9. Very good photos, I love the eerie look of the vineyard. And also the striking blue of the peacock.

    Popping over from TheBoyandMe

  10. Oh, I am a sucker for wool and wool shops! As a child, we had a small wool shop in the village where I grew up and I loved going in there with my mum. I haven't thought about that shop in years- thank you!


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