Monday 18 March 2013

Books for Kids

(Goblin is 41 months)
I don't talk about books for kids very often. Mainly because Goblin gets obsessed with one book and makes us read it over and over again and by the time I'm so bored of it that I accidentally lose it I have lost the will to live and certainly don't want to spend an evening reviewing it. However I will make an exception on this occasion because if you haven't come across Press Here by Herve Tullet yet then you basically need to stop reading this and go and order it from Amazon right away.
Goblin got this book for his second birthday and while the adults thought it was quite amusing it was pretty wasted on him. You see the book requires the child to be able to follow basic instructions. Its not a story book. Instead, each page gives the reader - or their assistant, your child - an instructions relating to the dots on the page. Then you turn the page and something has happened to the dots based on what you "did" on the previous page.
This book sat untouched on our shelf most of last year. But this year it has come into its own. Goblin thinks its hilarious. It is helped by the fact that Hublet makes ridiculous sound effects every time Goblin touches a dot. But the best part of it is seeing how much Goblin has come on, in that he can actually follow the instructions and he sees an "effect" from his actions.

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  1. I bet he sound effects are wonderful.

  2. Our school librarian read this to my kindergarten class this year and they LOVED it. It is a book that is headed to my classroom library and for home too. I too have "lost" books after reading them for the 1000th time;)

  3. Thank you for sharing this book on Read.Explore.Learn. I am going to share it on Pinterest and Facebook.


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