Tuesday 29 January 2013

Knitted sling

(Goblin is 39 months)

After seeing Small Potatoes beautiful post William's doll I had been meaning to make Goblin a sling for his doll, but then due to nightmares he banished all his toys from his room and stopped playing with them. However, recently Goblin found a bear in a toy shop and started sleeping with it. Then Cerys from Rainy Day Mum let me into the secret that there was a knitting pattern for the Small Potatoes sling at A little time to share, and she kindly interpreted the knitting instructions putting them into idiot terms that even I could understand.
Of course being me I couldn't just simply follow the basic instructions. You see I already had a half done knitting project which happened to be a 50 stitch square. So I used that as the starting point and worked from there - which is why my top picture has the sling template looking rather odd. 
I also decided to try some ribbing. I am useless at ribbing so a nice simple pattern was a great place to practice. This meant my pattern was more like the following:
Knit a 50 by 50 square (thats 8 inch squared). 
Then start decreasing by one stitch at the beginning of the row and one at the end until you get down to 25 stitches. That's when I started ribbing.
And this is where my pattern following goes seriously down hill. I forgot to take a tape measure on holiday. So instead of measuring the 'strap' to make it 14 inches I just measured it by knitting until the 'strap' was as wide as the square front, then folded it back on itself and knitted rib again until it folded back to the beginning of the decrease and then I started increasing again until I got to 50 stitches, then I cast off. 
As you can tell I'm not great at following patterns so I tend to make things up and do a lot by eye and judgement. But the end result seemed to work. I sewed the ends together and gave it to Goblin to put his bear in. The only photo I managed to get was of him trying to take a close up shot of his bear while its in his sling. Needless to say his photo was a bit blurred.

I am sharing this with
One Artsy Mamahttp://salttree.net/

Teach Beside MeLadybird LnSerenity you


  1. This is great, and well done you on your knitting!! Must make one of these for Little Miss Q, she loves her babies and will love to be able to wear them too!

  2. Love this! I am pinning it now, all the "babies" in our house could use some carrying around (wink).

  3. This is adorable! I am not great at knitting but have done crochet. Might have to give it a try! Thanks for sharing at Share it Saturday :)

  4. I love the sling! Goblin looks adorable! I made Bunny an "ergo" a while back and she loves carrying her babies!! Thanks for sharing with us at Eco-Kids! I hope you will come link up with us again this week!! http://likemamalikedaughter.blogspot.com/2013/02/an-enchanted-childhood-playschool.html

  5. What a beautiful sling!

    Thank you for linking up to Waldorf Wednesday. Hope to see you back this week!


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