Thursday 4 October 2012

Kids Co-op

Its time for Kids Coop. Please link up your kid orientated posts and have a look at what everyone else has been up to this week. Here is what I am linking this week:

Gardening update in pictures
I wrote a post back in March about Goblin helping me plant seeds in the garden. In my usual disorganised way I failed to ever update you on the progress of our little venture. But I'm pleased to report that over the summer we had a bumper crop of mange tout; some lovely sunflowers; poppies and cornflowers; and nasturtiums (although the caterpillars ate all the nasturtiums).  Even our pear tree which has always been a bit temperamental decided to produce some tasty fruit this year.
(Goblin is 35 months)
The summer has ended and with the autumn setting in the plants have died back. Our butternut squash is still growing but the main flower bed needed to be weeded and replanted. So Goblin helped me out.  
I gave him a little garden fork and a watering can. We dug up the entire bed and planted about 100 bulbs. I let Goblin choose which ones he planted. He went for some small alliums.  He didn't quite get the concept of burying them but he did like watering them. And to cover the bear ground he helped me plant a few cyclamen which will give us some autumn colour.
 If you want to garden with your child but you need a bit of inspiration check out NurtureStores ebook The Garden Classroom.
And now to the linky
I'm sharing this with
  For the Kids Friday Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall I Can Teach My Child


  1. Your pictures are beautiful, they should be framed!

  2. Your photos are amazing, I agree they would be beautiful framed. It must have been lovely for goblin to see all that grow from 'his' seeds that he planted. Kierna

  3. Wonderful photos and I do remember the original planting, we did ours shortly after but I have nothing so exciting for the follow up as only the tomatoes and a the odd courgette made it! Thank you for linking to Country Kids too.

  4. We moved house this summer and I do miss the fact that we have nothing to pick for harvest.
    Great pictures.

    Visiting via Country kids.

  5. Love the rainbow boots!


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