Wednesday 4 July 2012

Mermaid Project Winner

The Mermaid project ran from 1st June to the 1st July with a competition to win the mermaid doll pictured above. I was supposed to announce the winner on 1 July but due to an internet failure I have been without reliable internet since Friday (The Horror!). So many apologies to all that were waiting to hear the results.

Thank you so much to everyone who entered. I had so much fun looking at all the posts and it was really really really hard to decide a winner. In fact it was so tricky I had to rope in not just Hublet, but Nanny too.  
And the winner is 
*drum roll*

 Mermaid Painting by MamaPeaPod*
I love this painting and it really jumped out at me for its simplicity and beauty, and you can see from the post that it is the girls own work. 

I also feel I should mention the post that was unanimous among Hublet, Nanny and myself as the top runner up. 

Mermaid bathroom sensory play by Growing Together (Play Laugh Learn)
This is a crazy post with so much thought an effort. Growing Together went completely to town making an all encompassing sensory mermaid/pirate experience for her child. I love the fact that everything was about enhancing the experience for Luath who I bet had a brilliant play session. I know Goblin would have loved he decorated bathroom. I only wish I had more than one prize.

But don't worry if you missed out on the doll this time round. I enjoyed this so much that I will be running another competition in the Autumn to win a Waldorf Inspired Woodland Imp, so get your thinking caps on.

And if you have a second please pop by and check out these two posts and the others on the linky.

*I was concerned that choosing the mermaid painting might be seen as a fix because MamaPeaPod featured the tutorial on how to make the doll. I went back and forth between the painting and the bathroom sensory play before the competition closed, and finally I roped Nanny and Hublet in to help make an unbiased decision. I specifically did not tell Nanny or Hublet anything about the entries. They looked at all 17 entries and independently came to the same two favourites but both chose MamaPeaPod as their top one. So I hope people feel reassured that this was a fair decision.


  1. Oh, I am so super excited and very flattered that you thought the girls' painting was the best entry, as there were some great posts there! Thank you, thank you, I really can't tell you how much I LOVE that mermaid doll! So thrilled!

  2. Congratulations to Mama Pea Pod!! Thank you, The Monko, for inspiring all of us to do some fun things with the thought of mermaids!! It was a really fun contest!!

  3. congrats to the winner. Excellent projects.

  4. Thnaks for featuring my post. I love Mama Pea Pods entry and got so much inspiration from other posts in the linky. Looking forward to seeing your woodland imp, maybe by that time I might have finally finished my waldorf doll!


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