Thursday 15 March 2012

Paint printing

(Goblin is 29 months)

It was a lovely day today so Goblin and I did some painting outside. Rather than our usual affair where Goblin pours a ton of paint onto a flipchart and then mooshes it around, I thought I'd try a different technique - paint printing. 

I did this technique with Goblin last summer and I was able to strip him to his nappy so he could get in the tray and move the paint around with his feet and hands and whole body. But it was too cold today for stripping so I suited him up in his waterproofs incase he felt inspired to do full body painting.
But he was quite restrained, and stuck to pouring the colours into the big tray and moving them around, first with a roller and then with his hands.
The tray is from a garden centre - its a repotting tray - you are supposed to repot the plant over the tray so the excess compost gets caught. They are really cheap and great for this type of thing.
When Goblin had moved the paint around most of the tray I took a sheet of sugar paper and laid it on top of the paint, then peeled it away. Then I let Goblin add more paint and move it all around again. And I repeated the paper process to capture another print, and then a third.
The effects you get are really cool. The printing shows up all the finger marks that Goblin made in the paint - they look like ridges. And the paint at the bottom of the tray comes out on top, so it never looks like what you saw in the tray when you put the paper down.
 The great thing about painting out doors is that I was able to hang the paintings up to dry on the washing line, and wash the paint down the outside drain - but not before Goblin danced in the puddle.

And these are our finished three paintings. Cool Huh!

I'm sharing this with 
For the Kids Friday

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