Saturday 5 November 2011

felt balls - wet felting and needle felting

(Goblin is 24 months)
This week I have been experimenting with felting again. I wanted to see whether it was easier to make big felt balls using needle felt or wet felting. The only problem is I haven't done wet felting before, but why would that stop me!
My expectations of the wet felting working were quite low so I didn't bother to take any photos of the process. As it happened it worked great and looks fab, so I'll have to do it again so I can do a step by step for anyone else who wants to try.  
My plan was to make a hollow ball that could be a 'case' for Goblin's play silk. But I forgot how big the play silk was and it doesn't fit. I'll have to find a smaller silk to go inside. In the mean time though a least I know the method works. 
My other felt ball was a needle felted stuffed owl. It is somewhere between the size of a tennis ball and a golf balls. It actually took me quite a bit longer than the wet felting to make.
But it does make a lovely light ball for Goblin to play with indoors without breaking stuff. And when he's not playing with it I can use it to decorate my Autumn tree (which should probably be turning into a winter tree quite soon).


  1. Felting is very addictive though I'm still very new to it, and making felt balls was our first attempt at wet felting too.
    I like the needle felt snails too, very inspired.

  2. I so want to learn how to do this!


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