Saturday 8 October 2011

Supermarket shopping

(Goblin is 23 months)
Today we went on a family trip to the supermarket. Normally we avoid these outings like the plague. Our preferred method of shopping is online ordering. 
I was not looking forward to trying to keep Goblin in the trolley and calm for the entire trip. So instead we decided to get Goblin to help us do the shopping.  
 Hublet read the shopping list and told Goblin what we needed. 
Goblin raced off to get stuff. I went too to help direct him to the right aisle and to ensure he didn't get squished by trollies or run into people. We found the items together and I handed them to him. He carried them back to the trolley and threw it in - and I mean Threw, it was just as well we didn't need anything breakable. He was particularly cute trying to carry a 12 pack of cat food cans. But he managed it and was very proud of himself. 
 When we were done Goblin helped push the trolley to the counter. 
 And unload the trolley onto the conveyor belt. 
And he helped pack the bags at the other end, although this was trickier as it was hard for him to reach. 
This isn't really an activity that you can do if you are on your own with your toddler (unless you are doing a really small shop and can carry a basket), but if you can go with another adult or older child who can push the trolley its a great way to keep your toddler happy and involved. 

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