Saturday 27 April 2013

The Sunday Parenting Party - Fostering independence

Taming the Goblin

Its the Sunday Parenting Party. Please share your parenting posts and check out others that have linked up. Please don't share Kids activity posts, these can be linked to Kids Coop. This week I'm linking the following:
(Goblin is 42 months)
One of my goals with Goblin is to give him as many opportunities as I can to be self sufficient and independent. Not because I don't want to help him out, but because I think everyone gets satisfaction from doing things for themselves and that helps to build confidence and self esteem. We have arranged our house to assist Goblin in little ways, and I thought I'd share some of them.
I'd love to know what you've done to make your house more child friendly?
My top posts from last weeks link up are 
The evolution of a mother: A scientific approach ~ Seedlings Nursery School
Mommy and Me anger management ~ Prickly mom
Why aren't you breast feeding? ~ Mummy Musings and Mayhem
Toilet Learning: Every child is different ~ Two of Everything
From Attachment to Available ~ Like Mama~Like Daughter

And now to the linky

I'm sharing this with
For the Kids Fridays at SunScholars.comMontessori Monday 


  1. Bobo actually helped me organize our gaming systems last week. Each system has a spot under the television with controllers hooked up and ready to go. The games are in a low drawer. This is a big step and he is so proud to be self-sufficient.

  2. Thank you for featuring our toilet learning post! :)

  3. I love how you've adapted your home to foster independence! I pinned your post to my Montessori-Friendly Home Pinterest Board at

  4. Thank you from me, too.

    We have a kid drawer in the fridge, too, and the toys and books are in bins on low shelves. My Bug, who is 5.5 now, just learned to clip his own nails the other day. Yay for self-sufficiency! :)

  5. You are SO organized and it's all so very thoughtful. I love the fridge ideas and the potty. Thanks for sharing. I'm feeling inspired!

  6. So many great ideas to use to allow Bunny to become more and more independent.

    Thanks for the feature!

  7. I'm sharing an old post but I think it goes well with your topic. It's called The Road to Independence and it's how we try to set up our home so that our children can be more Independent. I need to update this and hope to get it done soon. We've changed a few things, but the structure needs to be in place so much more when they are young. Hope you enjoy!


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