Thursday 13 December 2012

Kids Coop - Peppermint Creams

Its Kids Coop time again. Please link up your favourite child centred posts and have a look at what everyone else has been up to. This week I'm linking up the following:
(Goblin is 38 months)
 Mmmm Peppermint Creams. The only sweet I crave once a year. As a child my mum used to make these with us around Christmas time and this year I thought I'd have a go with Goblin. The good news is they are magnificently simple to make.
You need a 1:2 ratio - 1 part condensed milk to two parts icing sugar (powdered sugar to anyone from the USA), and peppermint essence to taste. We used 200g condensed milk - I even found some "light" condensed milk so these are virtually health sweets! We put that in a bowl with 400g of icing sugar and a cap full of peppermint essence. That was enough for me - I don't like my peppermint creams to be blow your mind minty, but you can add more if you do.
Then you mix all the ingredients up until the paste takes on the consistency of playdough. At this point you can either make little ball sweets or, as we did, you can roll out the paste on a pre-icing sugared surface and use cookie cutters. We found some beautiful small snowflake ones on Amazon.
Here is a little tip, dip your cookie cutter blade in icing sugar as well. The paste will stick yo the cutter otherwise. If it does stick and you have an intricate design like our ones you can use the handle of a teaspoon to push the paste out of the narrow bits. Pop the cut shapes onto tinfoil or greaseproof paper - DON'T put them straight onto a plate because they WILL stick to the plate and you won't be able to get them off without breaking them.
We decorated ours with edible glitter sprinkled through a doily. To help the glitter stick I painted water onto the tops of the peppermint creams with a pastry brush. Then we left them to sit overnight to dry out a little before devouring every last one of them - Yummmmmmmy!

And now to the linky
I'm sharing this with
For the Kids Friday One Artsy MamaLadybird LnPhotobucketSerenity you


  1. So you don't bake them they just get hard overnight? Wild! Where is Goblin, miss seeing him in action :)

  2. These look delicious!

    1. yep, a bit too delicious - not sure how many actually got to the party!

  3. 'Magnificently simple' sounds like my kind of recipe! And only 3 ingredients?? Even better!! Will be trying these tomorrow. What if I put them in the fridge to harden? Would that work?

    1. yes i'm sure that would. To be honest you can eat them as soon as you have made them, they are just a bit floppy until they harden.

  4. Just a quick comment to let you know that I've added the co-op link up to the directory at Look What We Did. I hope that helps others find you.

  5. I have just made some of these over the weekend. Great mind's think alike as they say LOL


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