Friday 13 July 2012

Science at the beach

(Goblin is 33 months)
What science can you possibly learn from making sandcastles? Well when we went down to the beach in Wales Goblin learnt about the tide. As we got to the very large beach the tide had just turned. We walked down to the sea edge because Goblin is drawn to the sea whenever we are down there.
And we started making a sandcastle, with a moat that the sea could fill. Goblin went and collected water in his bucket to fill the moat. But it wasn't long before the sea had come in and started to fill the moat itself.
And soon the sea was surrounding the castle completely.
Goblin watched as the sandcastle was overtaken by the sea and quickly disappeared under the waves.
The beach was so deep that we were able to build three more sandcastles and each time wait for the sea to come in, fill the moat and then wash them away. What better way for a toddler to get their first lesson in tides. His next lesson will be about how the moon creates the tides - but that still blows my mind!

I'm sharing this with 

Tot SchoolFor the Kids Friday
learning laboratory at mama smilesSciencesparks3Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall I Can Teach My Child  Montessori Monday


  1. Mine will still spend hours building castles and moats at the beach then watching and protecting it to the death as the tide comes in. Such natural fun entertainment for kids. thanks for linking up.

  2. That is fantastic -what a great thing to witness. Tides are awesome.

    Thanks for sharing on Family Frolics. x

  3. I love the photo of him watching the tide come in. It looks like you had so much fun!

  4. such gorgeous scenery for Goblin to explore and learn in. that last picture is soooo precious!

  5. cant wait for our holidays, hopefully a few days of Sun and time at the beach, seems wrong when we live by the sea, but our Tide hardly comes in and the beach is covered in grass :( xxx

  6. What a fantastic learning opportunity! Looks like he had a fantastic time, too!

    Thanks for linking up to learning laboratory =)

  7. I love how you made a trip to the beach educational

  8. What fun! We tried to do this on holiday, but I think we did it too near the sea!

    Thanks for linking up. xx

  9. Looks like a lot of fun! Thank you for posting on Saturday Show and Tell. I hope you'll be back this week.

  10. Gorgeous pics of a wonderful day and what a great way to learn about tides! Can't wait to see what you do for learning about how the moon affects tides. I've featured this on my blog today as one of my favourites from last week's Weekly Kid's co-op. :)

  11. What a wonderful day and great lessons! Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!!


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