Saturday 24 March 2012

Spring Bubbles

(Goblin is 29 months)
This morning Goblin found our Bubble Machine. It had been sitting on the sideboard since the summer. It was a beautifully sunny day, so we filled it with bubble mixture and let Goblin loose.
I have to say, bubble machines are great for Goblin's gross motor skills, he spent ages running around and trying to catch/eat the bubbles. 
To be honest this is not the best design of bubble machine but it was cheap. It relies on toddlers not wanting to pick it up and tip it backwards - if this happens the mechanics in the back get covered in bubble mixture. They start to slow down and then stop, and then you have to leave it to dry on a side board for about 6 months!
So we had about 15 minutes of fun before Goblin couldn't resist trying to move it, and drowned the motor. Fortunately I had my bubble wand to hand so we were able to carry on enjoying bubbles and sunshine on a beautiful spring day.

I'm sharing this at
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays CornwallThematic Thursday


  1. I love bubbles but our bubble machine has broken :( the same one so I have to sit and blow the bubbles at the moment but J and T love chasing them.

  2. Bubbles are one of the best 'toys' for kids aren't they! So much fun, and I don't know any adults who don't also love them :-) One of my work colleagues used to pull out the bubbles if we were having a rough day - made us all smile every time :-)

  3. I love bubbles too - must get my little machine out. Only thing is with 26 in the class it can get very hectic if they all chase after the same bubble! Thanks again for joining in the link up, Kierna

    1. Yeah I can just imaging them all running into each other and having to be rushed to A+E. We tried it with 4 toddlers the other day and that was bad enough.

  4. Awesome activity to burn some excess energy fast! ;) Thank you for linking in Share & Play Wednesday on our Facebook page!


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