Monday 26 March 2012

Painted Easter Eggs

I made something pretty!
I was inspired by two posts at Art Club Blog. The first was painted eggs and the second was painting cherry blossom. They were both so lovely that I thought I needed to do some art for me (rather than Goblin - although it turns out he appreciated it too).
So I blew some eggs and died them with food colouring. If you haven't blown an egg before its very easy. I used a thumb tack (drawing pin) to make a tiny hole in the top of the egg, and at the bottom I used the tack to make two little holes about 3mm apart. Then I took a kebab skewer and pushed it between the two holes at the bottom. That broke them into one larger hole. I pushed the skewer in to pierce the yolk.
Then I blew through the top hole and the contents of the egg came out the slightly larger bottom hole. When all the contents were out I stuck the egg shell in a bowl of water and sucked through the top hole. Sucking up some water, then swishing it around inside the egg to rinse out the inside. Then I blew that water out by blowing in the top hole again. I popped the egg shell in a shallow bowl and rolled it in food colouring. I made two blue ones and an orange one.
I painted cherry blossom on the blue ones. I was taken with the Japanese look of the eggs. So I painted a coi carp on the orange one.
And I hung the eggs on Goblin's tree. And as I said earlier, Goblin really liked them. Unfortunately he wanted to touch them which I had to discourage as they are really fragile. 

I'm linking this to
 MakingThematic Thursday


  1. Oh those are so pretty! Neat project

  2. Hi – just wanted to let you know that your blog has been nominated in the Blog of the Year category in the MAD Blog Awards – congratulations!

    The MADs are the UK's biggest awards for parent bloggers and around 1,500 blogs take part in our awards each year. Our finalists - the blogs with most nominations – are invited to a fantastic awards ceremony later in the year. To find out more about the awards and the the prizes visit our website at www.the– You can also download badges to let your readers know about the awards.

  3. These turned out to be very cool! I'm always afraid of breaking blown out eggs, which is why I stick to hard boiled. But I promised to do this with my daughter, who's fascinated by the idea that we can blow out the contents of the egg through such a teeny hole.

  4. Sorry...forgot my huge thank you for linking to art club!!!

  5. i love the cherry blossom one! just gorgeous! thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday!


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