Wednesday 21 March 2012

Fun at the Farm

(Goblin is 29 months)
Goblin and I went to Marsh Farm just before he got ill. I took lots of photos but felt too rough to post them, so here is a belated look at our lovely spring day. 
Of course Goblin managed to find the only puddle on the whole farm!
He had great fun in the giant sand pit. This series of photos shows him thoroughly exploring the mechanics of the toy digger and thereby working out for himself how to operate it. I stood back and watched with pride at my little boys problem solving abilities - I have seen parents struggling to work out how the levers should go.
We saw some beautiful birds in their aviary. Goblin was not keen on the aviary that you could walk through with the birds flying round your head. 
On a few occasions it all got a bit much for Goblin. I suspect that this was the start of him feeling unwell because his little tantrums were quite out of character. 
Goblin was very taken by the baby animals. He has just started to understand that baby animals often have their own name - like baby sheep are lambs and baby pigs are piglets. He has also started to call all big things Daddy and all little things Baby.
Obviously Goblin's favourite part of the day was tractors - big and small (or Daddy and Baby tractors!). We even ended up buying one in the gift shop. When we got home I had a blissful hour and a half as Goblin was completely engrossed in his new tractor and the decaf coffee grounds I'd laid out for him to play with.

I'm sharing this on
Tuesday TotsCountry Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 


  1. Oh that looks like a great day out. Hope you will add it to this Saturday's Country Kids linky

  2. Thank you for sharing with us this week and I have a feeling that we may be close geographically if that farm is near to you.

  3. Thanks for linking up! I hope one day you will be able to visit Coombe Mill. Judging by the pictures here he would really enjoy himself. I hope he wasn't poorly for too long?

    1. I actually looked at some of your cottages the other day, but its sooooooo far away from us - it would be quicker to fly to America than to drive down (OK maybe that is a slight exaggeration). I wonder if they do flights from Standstead to Newquay. Would love to come visit, your place looks amazing.


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