My sister came to visit this week. She works in International disaster recovery and travels a lot so we don't get to see her that often. It was really nice for me to spend some time with her and for Goblin to get to know her. Goblin was a bit confused at first and spent half of the day calling her Aunty S (the name of my sister-in-law who Goblin see's a lot of).
When Goblin was small he was super friendly to any adult regardless of whether he'd met them before, but as he's got older he's developed a feeling of self, and a familiarity with friends and family he sees often. He is now more cautious of adults he doesn't know so well. While he is comfortable with Aunty La I was really grateful for this time so that they could have some proper one-on-one time together.
The next morning Goblin asked where Aunty La was as soon as he woke up - I was really pleased that he'd remembered her name. Aunty La made Goblin a cardboard box fort. Unfortunately with Goblin speed is of the essence and he was a bit too keen to try out his new fort. He crawled into it while it was still under construction and ......
..... pretty much destroyed Cardboard Fort Mark 1. But we managed to resurrect it and Cardboard Fort Mark 2 (AKA police car), with somewhat enlarged crawling holes, managed to stay intact for most of the day.
Goblin was upset when Aunty La had to leave. Hopefully he'll get to see her again before too long.
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