Monday 19 December 2011


(Goblin is 26 months)
This year we are spending Christmas day with Hublet's family. So last weekend we got to celebrate Fakemas with my family. Goblin really enjoyed seeing his Granny and Granddad and Aunty and Uncle. 
Granddad played cars with Goblin and was rewarded with marshmallows.  Uncle D looked on enviously - or maybe that's a look of relief that its not him being choked with marshmallows.
 Goblin was fascinated by Granny's new umbrella. He got her to put it up and down over and over again. Just as well we aren't a superstitious family. We'd already had our fill of bad luck that weekend when our car wouldn't start as we set off on our journey. We ended up having to hire a car and drive up the following day.
Aunty La helped Goblin play with his new toy. A helter-skelter for balls from the Early Learning Centre. It had been on Goblin's Amazon wish list since he was 18 months. I was worried that it would now be a bit too young for him, but it wasn't. It was a huge success and he played with it for ages. 
 Goblin was also excited by his new Trunki. He called it a 'bus' and got everyone to pull him round on it. And obviously he had to play with the packaging - isn't that what all toddlers love!
 Granddad got a Haynes Manual for a formula one car. Goblin was very excited by all the car pictures and sat with Granny and Granddad for ages turning the pages and saying 'look car'. 
 Even the greyhound got a Christmas outfit to wear. 
 Having a Fakemas the weekend before Christmas has really got me in the Christmas mood. Now I just need to resist the mince pies until Saturday.

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