Thursday 17 November 2011

Searching for stuff

(Goblin is 25 months)
Can your toddler search for stuff and find it? Goblin couldn't. 
If I said "its in the toy box", he would walk over and look into the toy box, but if the thing wasn't lying right on the top he wouldn't be able to find it. 
I had to teach him how to hunt - If he wanted to find something I'd go with him to where it was and show him that I was pulling stuff out of the box until I found what I was looking for. Some might look at the picture above and cringe at the mess Goblin is creating, but for me this picture fills me with pride. This is the first time Goblin showed me he had taken on board what I'd been showing him. 
He was looking for the back door of his tractor trailer. I said "its in the toy box". And off he went.
 Rummage, Rummage - cars and trucks being carefully pulled out and placed on the floor. And then there it was. Look how pleased he is that he found it, all by himself. And off he went to fit it back on the trailer.
I definitely think that knowing how to look for stuff effectively is a useful skill to have. I know some adults who could do with some practice! 

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