Saturday 12 November 2011

Daddy Antics

(Goblin is 25 months)
I love watching Hublet playing with Goblin. He is so physical with him and Goblin screams with laughter. This morning Hublet presented Goblin to me after his nap like this:
Every time Hublet turned him up the right way he shouted "More, more". Hublet has much calmer nappy changes than me because of how he plays with him. Its as if he has swallowed the whole "Playful Parenting" book - although I know he hasn't even read it, it just comes naturally to him. 
Even watching TV is an opportunity for a bit of bouncing. My favourite play is when Hublet plays "spider pig" with Goblin and holds him up and gets him to crawl along the ceiling like spider pig from the Simpsons movie. I don't have a photo of this because I am usually wetting myself laughing when this is happening. And so is Goblin. 


  1. I love your husbands antics with your son. He will have such great memories of his Daddy playing with him as he grows up!

  2. and if he doesn't remember i have photographic proof!


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