Saturday 8 October 2011

Prison tray meals!

(Goblin is 23 months)
A while ago I was reading Counting Coconuts blog and came across the idea of Muffin tin meals. Goblin has had a cold this week and his appetite hasn't been as great as usual so I thought a different presentation might encourage him to eat a bit more. I wanted to give the muffin tin idea a go, but our muffin tins are 3 by 4 which makes a lot of compartments to fill. So instead I used one of our Sing Sing prison trays!
His tray contained:

  • Carrot sticks
  • avocado
  • baby bell pepper slices
  • cheese
  • raisins 
  • pasta and tomato sauce

What I love about this idea is that it is very child led. They can choose what they eat and when - pudding before main! It came as no surprise to me that Goblin polished off the raisins and cheese first. But then he went on to eat the pasta. 
Recently the only way we have been able to get him to eat is to sit him on our knee and feed him, so I was really pleased when he just tucked in on his own. I'm definitely going to use this idea again. But not too often as I think the novelty was half the success.  

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