Friday 21 October 2011

Play Silks

(Goblin is 24 months)
After reading lots of Waldorf Steiner inspired blogs I decided it was time to buy Goblin a play silk. I searched around and found a beautiful one in an Etsy shop called The Purple Tangerine. As well as the obvious games of hide and seek with mummy under the silk and Goblin doing the finding, and then Goblin under the silk and mummy doing the finding - which is surprisingly successful every time we play - we have also had fun using the silk in other ways. 
 Goblin enjoyed hiding his fire engine under the silk, especially when he turned the lights on and they flashed through the scarf. 
And we used the colours of the scarf to play at putting out an imaginary fire. 
 Here is the fire, all orangey and raging in the toy basket!
Don't worry, Fireman Goblin to the rescue - he even makes the 'woosh' noise of the water going onto the flames. 
And look, the flames are gone and now there is a big pool of water. 
This was a good game for naming colours. Our play silk is 30" by 30" which is a really good size - not too big, so Goblin finds it manageable. Play silks are a great toy to take away with you because they pack down nice and small, and you can even use them as a mummy accessory.  

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