Saturday 25 May 2013

The Sunday Parenting Party - Fresh air is good medicine

Taming the Goblin

Its time for the Sunday Parenting Party. Please link up your parenting posts and check out what others have linked up. Please don't link kids activity posts, they can be shared at Kids Coop.
(Goblin is 43 months)
I took Goblin to nursery last Friday and on the way he was telling me he was sad and tired. He has started to really enjoy nursery so this didn't feel like a play to get out of going. We got to the door of the nursery and as I was helping him hang up his coat he burst into tears. I asked him "Do you want to come home with me?" and he said yes. The nursery staff looked a bit horrified that I was letting him choose whether to stay. But I could sense something wasn't quite right. You know how you just know when your child isn't being themselves? 
I brought him home and we sat and watched TV most of the day, but after lunch he'd perked up and we went swimming. I started to feel like a bit of an idiot. Had I been played. Did Goblin just not want to go to nursery? 
But sure enough the next day he had a minor temperature and a cough. I felt a bit vindicated - I had known something wasn't quite right, and it was probably just as well I didn't send him to nursery to pollute the air with his germs. 
Rather than spending another day watching TV we decided to try and go for a walk. In the short time it took to get to the woods Goblin had fallen asleep. So we let him sleep in the car for about an hour, and when he woke up we took him in, carrying him. 
The bluebells were out and it was magical. Even an ill Goblin couldn't stay forlorn for long. A good bit of den building and a frolic among the flowers and Goblin was good as new. 
I'm not scared of administering calpol and other medicine when needs must, but sometimes a good run in the fresh air can be just what the doctor ordered. 
I' was a bit slack last week and only gave you three recommended reads, so this week you get six  
I cannot teach anybody anything ~ Early play
One of those days ~ Raise a boy
Braggy Mom or Bloggy Mom ~ The Toa of Poop
Parenting: the Dark Passage of Grace ~ Lavendilly
20 Breastfeeding tips from real Moms ~ B.inspired Mama 
Blame the tooth Fairy ~ Coombemill
And now to the linky
I'm sharing this at
  Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall


  1. Stunning photos, a beautiful spot for fresh air and to feel a bit better. And good on you for trusting your mama instincts!

  2. It looks so beautiful where you live! I could do with some of that fresh air :)

  3. This happened to us once where I took my wee man out screaming and crying feeling sorry for himself but once we hit the park and fresh air he relaxed a bit and even enjoyed himself!

  4. Love this post, I agree totally with you, if a child who usually comes happily into nursery is crying they have a legitimate reason for it 9 times out of 10 & they deserve to have their 'protest' listened to.

  5. Wow, what a beautiful forest, the perfect medicine for a little one out of sorts!

  6. You can't beat a parents instinct - we are the ones that know our children the best! The Bluebells are gorgeous, and I'm sure a spot of den building helped to make him feel better. Thanks for linking up to Country Kids.

  7. I love the way you took care to follow the needs of your child.

  8. Good for you for following those mama instincts. Glad he's feeling better!

  9. gorgeous photos i just love walking among the bluebells and so do my boys. its wonderful that we have this inbred parenting instinct which takes over and guides us to know what is best for our little ones isnt it? x

  10. Beautiful photos. Love the one with the teepee!

  11. Brilliant post - so true. I remember when Home Educating ours that the sulkiest moments could be raised to laughter and singing just by going outside. And I so admire your wisdom and courage in letting your child decide not to go to nursery that day and to go with their choice. Far too many parents fail to believe in their children and that sometimes they know what they need!


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