Thursday 21 March 2013

Kids Coop - Cooking with Kids

Its Kids Coop time again, please link up your kids activity posts and check out what others have linked up. This week I'm linking the following:
(Goblin is 41 months)
In my attempt to ensure that Goblin gets lots of practice at using a knife I decided he should help me make his dinner. I wanted something simple and he always enjoys pasta so I opted for pasta sauce. 
Our ingredients were:
1 onion
5 mushrooms
1 carrot
1 can of tuna
1 can of chopped tomatoes
4 artichoke hearts
a pinch of italian seasoning
I set up Goblin's table in the kitchen. I prefer him to chop on a table that is suitable for his height so he can concentrate on that rather than having to balance on a stool at the same time. But we did need a stool for the stove. 
Goblin shopped the onions and we popped them in the pan to fry on a low heat. Then he peeled the carrot, I chopped it length ways and showed Goblin how to lay the flat edges on the table to it was more stable. Then he chopped the two halves into smaller chunks. And finally he chopped the mushrooms and we popped them all in the pan too. 
Our can opener is too stiff for Goblin to use so I had to open the tuna and tomatoes but Goblin was able to tip them into the pan. And we added the artichokes last because they are already cooked so we didn't want them to go too soft. 
We put the pot on a low heat, covered it and left it to cook down for 30 mins. Then served it with vermicelli noodles.
The recipe above will provide four servings so we put the rest into separate containers and put them in the freezer for another day. Goblin enjoyed the dinner he made himself.

And now to the linky

I'm sharing this with
TGIF Linky Party hosted by 123Homeschool4MeA Mom With a Lesson PlanFor the Kids Fridays at SunScholars.comPhotobucket Montessori Monday No Time For Flash Cards


  1. Thanks so much for hosting - pasta sauce looks yummy :-) Alice

  2. I don't do nearly enough savoury cooking with The Boy, must rectify that because he loves it, especially chopping with a proper knife.

    Thanks for hosting, have linked two if that's ok?

    1. Oh yes thats fine, the more the merrier. I know what you mean about doing more sweet than savoury cooking, biscuits are our default


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