Tuesday 10 April 2012

Wet Family Fun

(Goblin is 30 months)
In our usual weather defying way Hublet and I looked out of the window yesterday, saw it was raining heavily and decided to take Goblin out for a walk in the woods! We actually went to Jimmy's Farm. I've posted about it before. The farm is OK but the animals are a bit inaccessible - they are all in pens with high fences so we spent a lot of time having to lift Goblin - and he is getting HEAVY. The playground is lovely but its right next to a giant, deep, unfenced pond, and with Goblin's tendency to bolt when he sees something new and exciting I can't say that I am particularly relaxed when he's playing in it.
But there are two wonderful things that draw me back to Jimmy's farm once more. 
 The butterfly house - Its a bit early in the season for butterflies so Goblin and Hublet looked for caterpillars instead. But we did find one or two early butterflies around the place. 
The wood - They have a lovely wood, away from the scary pond and full of den building equipment (ie long sticks). Visibility between the trees is good so we can let Goblin loose to run without worrying.
Goblin loves running in and out of the prebuilt dens, and instructing me and Hublet on how and where to build additional walls.
On this visit he became obsessed with pretend ice cream and invented his own imaginary world where the dens were ice cream vans and he gave Hublet and me lots of imaginary ice creams. Hublet got his for free but for some reason I had to pay imaginary money for mine - so unfair!
There was lots of licking involved.
We also found an imaginary row boat! (see above)
We had a wonderful and wet day out. I like that Goblin is learning fast that rain doesn't mean we can't go out, it just means get your waterproofs before we go out.

I'm sharing this with
   Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall 


  1. This is just wonderful! You are so good at outside play regardless of the weather :-) And I loved reading about his imagination at work! Master D often plays ice cream man too, sometimes he gives me gross ones like boogies! And lol, how funny that he got you to pay! (I always have to pay :-))

    Thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times x

  2. Hi Ray - what a brilliant day out you all had & you are so right, isn't it great that your wee man won't ever think he can't go outside because of the rain. Thanks for adding this to outdoor link up this week. Kierna

  3. It's so great to see you at The Outdoor Play Party this week, Ray! I love following the adventures of Goblin. The clearing with all the sticks for building looks magical. What a wonderful place to play!

  4. Looks like everyone had a great time. I must look to see if we have a butterfly farm locally as that would be nice for the children as butterflies are the theme this term.

  5. You have such a great attitude to the British weather. Goblin is very lucky to have parents with so much imagination and love of the outdoors. You make a wet day out look so enviable! Thank you for sharing on Country Kids

  6. Oh, that wood with the sticks for building dens is absolutely fantastic! Thanks for sharing at the Outdoor Play Party again!

  7. I love the woods at Jimmy's although the first time we visited it was with a buggy and being quiet heavily pregnant not a good combination at all.

    Rendlesham up the A12 a bit more has the same sort of den building but free :D plus a brilliant UFO trail which we love finding the aliens in the woods.


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