Tuesday 24 April 2012

Powder paint and squirty bottles

(Goblin is 30 months)
I bought some powder paint after seeing this hilarious post on Child Led Chaos. But I hadn't got round to doing anything with it. 
I decided to keep it simple so I filled some water bottles with some of the neon paint and let Goblin loose in the garden after giving him clear instructions about using the paper.
As you can see Goblin pretty much ignored the instructions. I suspect they may have had more gravitas if I didn't still have a nappy on my head from playing nappy robots earlier in the morning.
Imaginary play with your toddler will soon strip you of any reserve or dignity you may have! 
(But in a good way)
The purpose of this was more process than product, but I did like the look of our finished pieces.

I'm sharing this with
abc buttonTuesday Tots


  1. Ha ha! That looks so fun! Both the process and the product!

  2. Super cool idea! We will do that sometime!

  3. That looks like great fun. Was it very messy lol. It keeps raining here :(
    Another Woody fan I see.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. this looks like such fun!!! i'll have to look for powdered paint the next time i'm at the craft store and i love the woody outfit!!

    totally off-topic... but do you trim his hair yourself? i need to trim Bear's front and i like the angle of your little man's hair around his face >)

    1. Andie I do trim it myself but I'm afraid there is no skill our planning involved. The slope around his face comes from cutting a different width of fringe each time I have a go. Over time it's turned into that nice sloping look. Total fluke I'm afraid.


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