Friday 23 March 2012

Foody fun

(Goblin is 29 months)
I don't normally do anything exciting or fancy with food for Goblin. Mainly because I am incredibly lazy and quite useless in the kitchen, but also because I don't really need to. Goblin will eat pretty much anything, and in huge quantities (I know I am very lucky because so many toddlers do have food issues). The other day while Nanny was over he took an entire box of blueberries from the fridge and disappeared into the other room. Nanny asked Hublet whether Goblin would eat many of them, to which Hublet smiled knowingly. True to form when they went into the other room a few minutes later the box was empty and Goblin was standing there saying "more?".
When I spotted this fantastic Grouch fruit platter on the Kids Co-op Link up, I was inspired. The platter was made by Duck Duck Octopus (how cool is the name of the blog!). I couldn't resist giving it a go myself and conveniently we'd just stocked up on yummy fruit.
My mini platter contains:
Strawberries - for the fur and nose
Banana - for the teeth
Rasberries - for the lips
Yogurt - for the eyes and tongue
Blueberries - for the pupils
Chopped mint - for the face
I wasn't sure Goblin would eat the chopped mint but I thought it looked pretty - I needn't have worried, he hoovered it up along with everything else.

I'm sharing this on
One Artsy MamaClassified: Mom

1 comment:

  1. Yay! It came out great. :-)

    P.S. I like your blog name too.


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