Friday 24 February 2012

Artsy Crafty Family

(Goblin is 28 months)
 The whole family did something creative today and I thought I'd share.
 1) This is a sparkly painting that Goblin did all by himself using glue, glitter paint squirted straight from the tube and a lot of sequins. He made a huge mess but I was quite sad to clear it up because a floor covered I sequins is very pretty.
 2) This is a collaborative piece that Goblin and I did together. Its on a huge A1 piece of flip chart paper and is mixed media with tissue paper, more sequins, glitter paint and ready mix normal paint.
3) And this is Hublet's contribution. Most people worry about their toddlers finding their craft supplies - well I have the Hublet! Yes he found the googley eyes in the craft box and working on the philosophy that everything is funnier with googley eyes, he went round the house and stuck them on two old birthday cards, a copy of Indiana Jones and a stationary catalogue! He's not wrong though, everything is funnier with googley eyes.


  1. LOL! Too funny. I actually have two huge googley eyes stuck to the top of my monitor. Makes me laugh every time I sit down at the computer :)

  2. yeah I was surprised how much the googley eyes made me laugh


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