Friday 21 October 2011

Autumn leaves

(Goblin is 24 months)
I have been collecting leaves because they are so pretty this time of year. I often collect leaves and press them but I'm usually at a bit of a loss as to what to do with them. I found an excellent post on Sun Hats and Wellie boots with loads of ideas of things to do with autumn leaves. I instantly pinched the idea of laminating them so they last longer.  
For the time being I am just using them as a window decoration, but when I get bored of having them there I will cut them up and use them as counters, or for size and colour sorting. 
It turns out I wasn't the only one collecting leaves. When my mum came to visit for Goblin's birthday she brought some amazing vine leaves in beautiful colours. And she brought with her an idea of how to use them. She said she'd seen a little girl in a buggy wearing a crown and as she got closer she saw it was made of autumn leaves. 
Vine leaves are quite floppy, so I pressed them in a heavy book and then hit the laminator. I stuck the leaves to the sugar paper band using double sided tape. The result is fantastic. Another addition to our growing dressing up box of hats. 
I'm going to share this idea on the It's Playtime community, every toddler needs a crown!
It's Playtime at hands on : as we grow 


  1. I totally agree, every toddler needs a crown, especially one as cute as that! What fabulous use of those Autumn leaves!

    I got your comment on my blog about the trouble you had with the Mister Seahorse craft. The squeegee is the same in US and it is what I used. I have to admit, I tried this technique to make some fall leaves which were smaller than the Seahorse and it did not turn out for me again. I thought maybe I let the shaving cream stay on too long. Here is the website where I got my directions, maybe hers are more detailed than mine:

  2. so much leaf fun! you got some awesome leaves!!! I miss being able to collect fabulous fall leaves like these.

    please stop by and share your fun on the sunday showcase - we'd love to have you link-up and share!



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