Friday 28 September 2012

Halloween Blog Hop

I realise that halloween is a while off but with Autumn setting in its the next fun festival to plan for, so I have joined up with fellow bloggers to bring you a month long kids craft Halloween link up in the build up to the big day. 
I decided to start my Halloween crafts with something nice and simple so I set up a Halloween playdough invitation to play for Goblin. My props included some black playdough, some googley eyes, and some sticks. I also put out a knife and a garlic crusher.
And we made spiders - Simple, fun and not too scary! Also a good way to practice counting to eight.
Here is what others are up to - why not join in. 
Halloween Blog Hop

I'm linking this to
 One Artsy MamaFor the Kids FridayPhotobucket


  1. It's never too early! I think we've been talking about Halloween and doing crafts for over a month, now. As soon as the pool closed, Bobo asked what's next?

  2. awesome, love the simplicity. Jake has recently been stuffing lollipop sticks into anything vaguely round or body like to make spiders. He also regularly tries to catch spiders with teaspoons, and jumps out of his skin when he touches them and they move. Its very funny!

  3. Those spiders look like a lot of fun to make! I love them:)

  4. I love that spider! I bet my son would have some fun creating them, too! :)

  5. Thanks for linking up to tip-toe thru tuesday. Have a great week.

  6. Oh, very fun!! I love the spider. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!

  7. These are great! You can never have too many crafts for the kiddies (and adults) to do come Halloween time. I will post this on my own blog as well. Again, great job.

  8. Thanks for sharing on Hey Mom, Look What I Did!

  9. I love this - so cute and is that pumpkin really tiny or do you have shed loads of playdough? Thank you for linking to Tuesday Tots and just letting you know that I'm featuring you this week over on Rainy Day Mum

  10. It's a teeny weeny goblin sized pumpkin. Thanks for featuring me.

  11. My pumpkin carving skills are always tested at this time of year, but even I can have a good crack at the spider. Great idea


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