Friday 22 June 2012

Hyde Hall - Nanny's Birthday

(Goblin is 32 months)
It was Nanny's birthday this week so Goblin, Aunty S and I took her to see some wonderful gardens called Hyde Hall. The highlight of the day for Goblin had to be the heavily stocked Coi Carp pond. After we'd been staring at the fish for about half an hour one of the garden stewards brought Goblin a bag of fish food to feed to the fish. This attracted even more - although we were seeing plenty as it was.
 We also went for a walk in their meadow area which is spectacular. You'd never believe these rolling fields are in Essex (which is renown for its flatness).
 And the actual gardens were beautifully planted. And interspersed with sculptures. Goblin made a game fo finding them - and touching them, despite the signs saying not to.
 And then he found the asault course. This is the best designed play area I have been to in a long time. It is perfect for toddlers who desire a bit of independence. The course which is a mix of logs and planks is all low to the ground with the highest point only a foot or so up. The higher the logs the wider they are so kids can get a good footing when they are up high. The long plank runs are low to the ground because the designer obviously realised that kids would pelt along them and could go flying. And the whole thing is laid out in one big circle.
 Goblin ran round in circles for about 45 minutes. 

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  1. that garden looks beautiful... and that outdoor play area is gorgeous... very natural, but fun. shame we've an ocean in between us, goblin would love our zoo, i think. we have a large pond where you can feed the fish, too...there are hundreds of them...

  2. What a wonderful play park & so simple in it's design. Thanks again for linking up this week & hope the potty training is still going well.

  3. What a beautiful area...i bet he slept well that night! I dream to have a play space like that set up in the yard when we begin landscaping...hmm maybe by the time the girls are teens,, lol!!

  4. What a great birthday for Nanny and a fun adventure for Goblin! Thanks for sharing at the Outdoor Play Party.

  5. This looks a fab place to visit - happy birthday to Granny

  6. That looks a brilliant place! I am going have to google that now if it is in Essex.

    Thanks for sharing on Family Frolics


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