Sunday 20 May 2012

Mermaid Competition coming in June

Hi all, this is just a little heads up. For the whole month of June I will be running a competition to win this Waldorf inspired mermaid doll that I made. To enter, all you will have to do is link up a project that you have done which was inspired by the mermaid.
It can be literally anything.
Here are just a few ideas: - 
An Under the Sea sensory bin
A story of what this mermaids life is like
An outing to the beach to hunt for mermaids
A Mermaid inspired educational activity
A painting of a mermaid
A skirt for your kid inspired by a mermaid tail
A poem inspired by the doll
A cross stitch of a sea scape

The competition will close on the first of July and Hublet and I will choose one winner - we aren't looking for beauty and perfection, we'll be looking for fun, and something that stands out.
The competition will be open to everyone internationally, and non bloggers can enter by emailing their project to Tamingthegoblin [at] gmail [dot] com. I'll do a post the day before the project closes for all non blog entries. 

I hope you are as excited as I am. Keep your eye out for full details in the first week of June. 


  1. Ohhh, how exciting! I'll have to think about what we can come up with!

  2. Oooh, now that i know it will be open internationally i need to start thinking! Very exciting!

  3. Awesome, I'm glad I'll have at least two entries then


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