
Tuesday 28 May 2013

Butterflies at the Museum

(Goblin is 43 months)
If you are in London this summer the Natural History Museum's Sensational butterflies exhibition is a must see. We went with friends a few weeks ago and we were blown away.
I've been to live butterfly exhibits before, but this was a step up. The sheer quantity of butterflies is astonishing  And so many of the species were enormous. A little tip for parents of very young children - if your child doesn't like flappy things they may not enjoy this exhibit as large winged beasts landing on them may freak them out - we witnessed one 18 month old having a major meltdown as a large brown butterfly tried to settle on her flower print t-shirt.
The chrysalis of the giant butterflies were equally large in size. There was a glass case full of emerging butterflies which was sensational. But our little guys found it hard to see because it was a bit too high up and crowded by school children. There were butterfly life cycle stampos to collect on the way round but when we went these too were very crowded by school kids.
If you are looking for an up close and personal butterfly experience though, this is definitely one to check out - but be careful you don;t accidentally take one home with you!
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A Mom With a Lesson PlanFor the Kids Fridays at SunScholars.comTGIF Linky Party hosted by 123Homeschool4Me


  1. I taught my kids to play (carefully & respectively) with bugs. We loved daddy-long-legs, lady bugs, roly-poly bugs, lightening bugs and butterflies. Always catch and release. I can't wait to have fun teaching my grandkids about bugs!

    1. yes, ensuring they are gentle is quite a challenge, I was a bit worried about Goblin when we went to see the butterflies but he was very good at not poking them

  2. I live in London, but didn't know this was there. Thanks for the tip, now I know where to head with my kids.

  3. Gorgeous pictures! I love the one with the butterfly on his head =)


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