
Friday 8 June 2012

Nature Nursery

(Goblin is 31 Months) 
What a difference a fortnight makes. Two weeks ago at Nature Nursery we had beautiful weather. In fact it was so hot that after feeding the baby lambs we all retreated to the woods for some shade and a game of hide and seek. 
This week was a different story, it tipped it down! We had a Steiner (waldorf) teacher visiting and the plan had been to make stick streamers - or "whooshy sticks" and let the kids run around with them. 
And I am pleased to say that despite the rain that is exactly what we did. (Learning for life would be so proud of us). I should probably point out that Goblin had been sensibly clad in a hat and raincoat at the start of our activity but he ran out into the rain after a cake break and got so instantly wet that it seemed pointless to redress him.
I wondered at one point whether the parents were having ore fun than the kids - it was certainly an activity that appealed to all ages. 
Elfin decorated the dung heap with her wands.
And took on some of her big sister duties with her tiny little brother. Don't worry she did wash her hands first!
And long after everyone else had gone home Bjorn and Goblin were still playing "fishing" in the biggest puddle - which grew in the three hours we were there.

I'm sharing this on
Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall Classified: MomTuesday Tots


  1. Brilliant post, love that the rain didn't make any difference to any of you - cheers for the shout out too! I have to admit that this week has been a test even for me, I am sick of wet gear hanging around trying to dry out for the next day.
    Thanks again for joining in the link up. And hope Goblin is ok after the swimming pool incident :)

    1. i know what you mean, I'm contemplating buying a second pair of wellies for Goblin so he can wear tham on alternate days and give the first time to dry out

  2. What fun! JDaniel would have loved fishing in a puddle that big!

    1. Fishing is one of Goblin's favourite imaginary play things at the moment, which i find hilarious as its just standing around with a stick

  3. We played in the rain today too! Granted we haven't had days of unending rain, but it's so nice to see kids outside playing even in the rain. How fortunate Goblin has access to a nature nursery!

    Thanks for linking up to The Outdoor Play Party!

    1. yup we are really lucky to be able to visit the farm regularly. Goblin absolutely loves it there - maybe when he's older he can get a job - they do lots of stuff by hand because its a biodynamic farm.

  4. A great post. I love the things you think of to do with Goblin and your family and friends. defying the weather and carrying on regardless is such a British attitude. when you see the changes in our weather no wonder. Rain never hurt anyone, just dampens the spirits of us Parents! thanks for linking to Country Kids.

  5. Nature Nursery sounds fabulous - is that a session you take goblin too?

    I am so curious as to where you are based now and if our paths have ever crossed. I used to commute to London too, so we may even have been on a train together at some point. Such a small world.

    Thanks for sharing in Family Frolics. :)

  6. What a wonderful day!! Nature Nursery sounds great!! Playing in the rain and puddles is sometimes the best part of a day for little ones. Thank you for sharing at Happy Family Times!!

  7. What fantastic fun ~ Dino Boy would be in heaven with a whoosy stick!! Everywhere we go he picks some up for part of his collection :-) Goblins gumboots are super cute! Love them - wouldn't mind a pair like that myself!! Thanks for sharing at Happy Family Times x

  8. LOVE this. They all look so cute playing with these sticks and getting so creative with what they do with them. What fun.
    Thanks for the inspiration and sharing it on the outdoor play party.

  9. Fabulous! Love playing in the rain, it changes everything! Thanks for linking up to the outdoor play party.


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